onsdag den 28. maj 2014

Bålene brænder
Lars Bo Nørgaard & Troels Emig
Reception d. 30 maj 17 - 19
Møllegades Boghandel
Møllegade 8, Kbh N.

'Bålene brænder' er seks tegninger, seks sider tekst, en cd med en lydoptagelse og et indsamlet objekt. 

Tilsammen udgør disse elementer en fortælling om et sted, en tid, en rejse. I 2012 var vi i Varanasi, Indien,hvor vi lavede
udstillingen 'Lines of Ash', og derefter tog op i Himalayabjergene og ned fra dem igen. Undervejs indsamlede vi ting og sager fra jorden, små vidner, bevismateriale, souvenirs. Og vi lavede lydoptagelser. Da vi kom hjem skrev og tegnede vi om alt det vi havde oplevet. - Nu har det hjembragte materiale ligget i to år og samlet kræfter, det er næsten blevet helligt;
det er på tide at det kommer videre ud i verden, så samtalen kan fortsætte.

Mvh Troels Emig og Lars Bo Nørgaard

søndag den 18. maj 2014

The Theory About the One Eyed Cat and a Door

He holds out His tentacles and waves both of them up and down in a fast-paced hypnotic pattern. He then releases multiple pink rings around his body.

mental and physical stimulation
increase in associative & creative thinking
mood lift
increased awareness & appreciation of music
sensory enhancement (taste, smell, etc)
closed- and open-eye visuals
life-changing spiritual experiences
therapeutic psychological reflection
feeling of oceanic connectedness to the universe; blurring of boundaries between self and other

general change in consciousness
pupil dilation
difficulty focusing
increased salivation and mucus production (causes coughing in some people)
unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)
unusual thoughts and speech
change in perception of time
quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)
slight increase in body temperature
slight increase in heart rate
increase in yawning (without being tired)

tension, jaw tension
increased perspiration
difficulty regulating body temperature
dizziness, confusion
over-awareness & over-sensitization to music and noise
paranoia, fear, and panic
unwanted and overwhelming feelings
unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences